02-31 - Talking Pandemy Through a Star Trek Lens. Erin Davies. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. 06/19/21


Dave transcends time and space to talk Star Trek and pandemy with Commander Erin Davies of the U.S.S. Nomad from Starfleet International in Pennsylvania, U.S.. There are numerous episodes across Star Trek franchises that deal with vaccines in response to viruses. Double vaccinated Erin reflects on her daughters experience with Elearning. Erin is passionate about the power of universal education and health care to address the world’s woes. Erin shares her excitement about going out for the first time with friends since the pandemy struck in 2020! First the German Beer Hall and then the Club! Dave and Erin are also both excited for an upcoming virtual Star Trek Conference, HoloCon!

Thanks for joining us as we unite humanity through stories of hope, connection, and community in the face of the global pandemy. We are all in this together, and we’re glad you’re here together with us. Thanks for taking a moment to like and subscribe and follow the Pandemy Show on social media (Twitter, Insta, FB, Reddit). 

Thanks to Giant Value for letting us know everything is going to be alright and Pieper for the art work!

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02-32 - I Don't Want Your Germs, Or Your Freedumb. Aaron Ware. Melbourne, Australia. 04/10/21


02-30 - Working to Leave a Legacy of Positive Change During the Pandemy. Melissa Allen. Little Jamaica Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 05/30/21