02-32 - I Don't Want Your Germs, Or Your Freedumb. Aaron Ware. Melbourne, Australia. 04/10/21


Dave transcends time and space to talk  cruise industry,  popular culture, and mediation with Aaron Ware in Melbourne, Australia.  Aaron used the early days of the pandemy to write a book and complete a series. Since then he has been working to unit humanity on Thrash and Threatre podcast.  He shares his observations and insights into the pandemy from an Australian perspective who listens to all sides until they become violent.  Aaron encourages us to check in on each other and be kind to the planet and animals.

Aaron's Literary Collection, The Tonaston Tales

Listen to Thrash and Treasures

Aaron on Twitter

Thanks for joining us as we unite humanity through stories of hope, connection, and community in the face of the global pandemy. We are all in this together, and we’re glad you’re here together with us. Thanks for taking a moment to like and subscribe and follow the Pandemy Show on social media (Twitter, Insta, FB, Reddit). 

Thanks to Giant Value for letting us know everything is going to be alright and Pieper for the art work!

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02-33- Pandemy Hourglass. Murray McLauchlan. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 06/10/21


02-31 - Talking Pandemy Through a Star Trek Lens. Erin Davies. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. 06/19/21